Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Final Project- Implemtation Ecalution Control

Evaluating the product and the company is good way to find if this good product. "Evaluation stage, the consumer ranks brands and forms purchase intentions. Generally, the consumer’s purchase decision will be to buy the most preferred brand."( 5 Understanding Consumer and Business Buyer, Marketing An Introduction,  Gary Armstrong and Philp Kortler, printed page 154)Evaluate through trial marketing, sales chart, product profits, survey we can learn our mistakes and improve the product. And also invest in to new flavor of yogurt. "Control consists of measuring and evaluating the results of marketing activities and taking corrective action where needed"(2 Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering, Marketing An Introduction,  Gary Armstrong and Philp Kortler, printed page 55)

Final Project- Price

Price of the product is determined by the cost , profit, and competitors pricing. These factor helps me to narrow down the pricing range. "Even small differences in price can signal product differences. Consider a stereo receiver priced at $300 compared to one priced at $299.99. The actual price difference is only 1 cent, but the psychological difference can be much greater" (9 Pricing Understanding and Capturing Customer, Marketing An Introduction,  Gary Armstrong and Philp Kortler, printed page 294)The considering that the competition is less for protein based yogurt I have set the price up to $2.00 for  6oz cup. Customers get double the amount they usually get and also get protein with it as well.  "Consumers don’t have the time, ability, or inclination to research different brands or stores, compare prices, and get the best deals. Instead, they may rely on certain cues that signal whether a price is high or low." (9 Pricing Understanding and Capturing Customer, Marketing An Introduction,  Gary Armstrong and Philp Kortler, printed page 294) However there will be other product on selves like Activa. The consumers will see the price difference between our product and other products. 

Final Project- Distribution

Distribution is one of the important factors of our product. The pricing could change according to distributors. If there are many distributors, it becomes more and more complex." The producer should establish a list price and a fair set of discounts for intermediaries. It must define each channel member’s territory, and it should be careful about where it places new resellers." (10 Marketing Channels Delivering Customer Value, Marketing An Introduction,  Gary Armstrong and Philp Kortler, printed page 324) The distributors will be gas stations, pharmacies, and glossary stores. There will online coupons for products that you can go to  print where ever the customer wants to. After the lunched of the product launched for is there for while, there will be evaluation of the product and survey the customer to if they like to online disruptions as well. "By using selective distribution, they can develop good working relationships with selected channel members and expect a better-than-average selling effort. Selective distribution gives producers good market coverage with more control and less cost than does intensive distribution." (10 Marketing Channels Delivering Customer Value, Marketing An Introduction,  Gary Armstrong and Philp Kortler, printed page 324) It is harder to deal with more channels, so sending products to Vons, Albertsons, Smiths, other competitors is very complex, but it is very good start.  There price tend tor very because of their sales and promotions. These factor will less if the company itself have some distribution power as well.

Final Project- Product

Product will be divided into the original, witch what the company will start with. Then it will divide into three more flavor of yogurt as the company gain growth through this product. "new-product development must be customer-centered." (8 Developing New Products, Marketing An Introduction,  Gary Armstrong and Philp Kortler, printed page 253) Flavors will be honey, blueberry and strawberry flavors. The product will be contained in cup, witch will hold up to 6oz. This yogurt is fat free, also contain vitamin A, B,D. "Successful new-product development begins with a thorough understanding of what consumers need and value"(8 Developing New Products, Marketing An Introduction,  Gary Armstrong and Philp Kortler, printed page 253) Offering them healthy product, with various flavor will help this product to sell.


There several different way to promote our product. We should always be paying attentions to what the customer wants. Do surveys , to see other possible favors that we can come up with for this product. This also sent the message that the company is try to give their best services. "Business promotions are used to generate business leads, stimulate purchases, reward customers, and motivate salespeople." (13 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion, Marketing An Introduction,  Gary Armstrong and Philp Kortler, printed page 436) Have business, marketing promotion letting the customer know about our products. "Several factors have contributed to the rapid growth of sales promotion, particularly in consumer markets." "(13 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion, Marketing An Introduction,  Gary Armstrong and Philp Kortler, printed page 432)  Help up sale our product there will promotions pricing (witch is only temporality at special occasions.)

Final Project: Target marketing strategy

Target marketing strategy, It important that the company convey it's massage specially to the future customers. This build between customers and the company. Yoplait Greek target audience are men that want to be in shape. People often look for the best product that they feel is worth spending their money. " Target marketing strategy outlines how the company intends to create value for target customers in order to capture value in return. In this section, the planner explains how each strategy responds to the threats, opportunities, and critical issues spelled out earlier in the plan." ( 2 Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering, Marketing An Introduction,  Gary Armstrong and Philp Kortler, printed page 321)  Yoplait Greek is product that comes with lot upside, Yoplait Greek is giving more protein at same time It is taste good.  "Company must decide which and how many segments it will target. A target market consists of a set of buyers who share common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve. Market targeting can be carried out at several different levels." (6 Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy Creating, Marketing An Introduction,  Gary Armstrong and Philp Kortler, printed page 186)  The company is going create a Web brochures that will empathize on the good its. It will also have funny little clips to draw in the target audience. My plan is to give little bit entertainment and little bit information.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

EOC: Week 10: What Channels are you going to do to get your product noticed?

There are many channel and mediums I plan to use.  Web adverting as the medium for advertising. Channel and Mediums of advertising is combination, that needs to work together. Web Marketing is can reach to many people unlike in the past.  It can be link to can be directed to our marketing sites. Web marketing is has no time limitations as if you running ad in TV you have only few minutes. Could also help my target customers finding the current disturbers of our product. "Similarly, to remain competitive, product and service producers must develop new channel opportunities, such as the Internet and other direct channels. However, developing these new channels often brings them into direct competition with their established channels, resulting in conflict." (10 Marketing Channels Delivering Customer Value, Marketing An Introduction,  Gary Armstrong and Philp Kortler, printed page 321).  Give them clear choices between other product and give details about the product. The distributers will be gas stations, pharmacies, and glossary stores. There will online coupons for products that you can go to  print where ever the customer wants to. After the lunched of the product launched for is there for while, there will be evaluation of the product and survey the customer to if they like to online disruptions as well. "The business marketer can use its own sales force to sell directly to business customers. Or it can sell to various types of intermediaries, who in turn sell to these customers. Consumer and business marketing channels with even more levels can sometimes be found, but less often. From the producer’s point of view, a greater number of levels means less control and greater channel complexity"(10 Marketing Channels Delivering Customer Value, Marketing An Introduction,  Gary Armstrong and Philp Kortler, printed page 314). IT is harder to deal with more channels, so sending products to Vons, Albertsons, Smiths, other competitors is very complex.  There price tend tor very because of their sales and promotions. These factor will less if the company itself have some distribution power as well.