Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Week 1 EOC: Great Customer Service

Great customer service is requirement to any business. Customer service is greeting to everything Customer service is where the business owners can prove their loyalty to their customers.   Customer Service is should have great problem solving skills. “Marketers must be careful to set the right level of expectations. If they set expectations too low, they may satisfy those who buy but fail to attract enough buyers. If they raise expectations too high, buyers will be disappointed. Customer value and customer satisfaction are key building blocks for developing and managing customer relationships. “(Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation, 10th Edition pg. 7) Business should go to extra mile to solve the customer’s problem. Customer service departments should include reliable, clam staff. Create good products that customers find valuable, and very useful. Consumers usually face a broad array of products and services that might satisfy a given need. How do they choose among these many market offerings? “Customers form expectations about the value and satisfaction that various market offerings will deliver and buy accordingly. Satisfied customers buy again and tell others about their good experiences. Dissatisfied customers often switch to competitors and disparage the product to others.” (Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation, 10th Edition pg. 7) Products should satisfy customer needs, these things create a relationship with the customers; keeps the customer coming back for more products.  

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