Wednesday, March 23, 2011


There several different way to promote our product. We should always be paying attentions to what the customer wants. Do surveys , to see other possible favors that we can come up with for this product. This also sent the message that the company is try to give their best services. "Business promotions are used to generate business leads, stimulate purchases, reward customers, and motivate salespeople." (13 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion, Marketing An Introduction,  Gary Armstrong and Philp Kortler, printed page 436) Have business, marketing promotion letting the customer know about our products. "Several factors have contributed to the rapid growth of sales promotion, particularly in consumer markets." "(13 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion, Marketing An Introduction,  Gary Armstrong and Philp Kortler, printed page 432)  Help up sale our product there will promotions pricing (witch is only temporality at special occasions.)

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